Dr L Tomar, one of prolific arthroscopic surgeon in India, getting patient for advanced & complicated arthroscopy using latest computer navigation technology.

Although arthroscopic surgery has many advantages over conventional surgery, yet without computer navigation support, arthroscopic surgeon faces difficulties in navigating within the joint and correctly placing portal incisions without damaging critical neurovascular structures. With the support of computer-aided navigation system, arthroscopic surgeon addresses various challenges associated with arthroscopic hip surgery. The newer technique in arthroscopic procedures makes easier for surgeon to do accurate linkages to track surgical instruments and eliminates inaccuracies of standard tracking systems. The encoder position information is displayed at monitor about patient joints anatomy to support the restricted view from a typical arthroscopic camera.

What is Arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a minimal invasive surgical procedure which involves examination and treatment of problems inside a joint. In this procedure a small incision (about 1 cm only) is made on the patient’s skin and then an arthroscope (similar to endoscope) which has a narrow tube like structure and has a camera and light source in it, is inserted into the patient’s joint. With the help of arthroscope a magnified view of inside the joint can be seen on a larger screen and then after visualizing problem, other small incisions are made by which small surgical instruments are inserted and then damaged part is treated.

Common Arthroscopic Procedures

As mentioned above that many joints problems can be treated during a Arthroscopic procedure, some of the procedure which are done commonly are

  • Trimming a torn meniscus of the knee
  • For repairing a torn meniscus of the knee
  • Shoulder bursitis can be treated by Arthroscopic procedure
  • Repair of the rotator cuff in the shoulder
  • For the treatment of knee in case of damage of cartilage and ligaments.
  • For the treatment of shoulder in case of labral tears.

In Arthroscopy minimal invasive technique is adopted that means that very small incision is made. Benefits of minimal invasive technique are

  • Cause less pain and stress to the patient
  • Less blood loss
  • Faster recovery of the patient
  • Shorter hospital stay.
  • Arthroscopy is safe type of surgery so surgery risks are very low.

Arthroscopic procedure can be used to treat almost every damaged joint of the body even on the complex joint on the body.

Hip Arthroscopy in Delhi

Using Computer Navigation, hip arthroscopy is used to examine and analyze the hip pain, in the case when a doctor is not able to diagnose it otherwise. A small incision is made on the skin around the joint and then small arthroscope is inserted to view inside the joint and determine where exactly the problem lies. With the help of Hip arthroscopy the problem part of the hip joint can also be treated successfully. Some of the conditions in which hip arthroscopy is carried out:

  • Hip Impingement – Also known as Femoro Acetabular Impingement (FAI). Hip impingement is a hip joint problem mainly observed in young and middle aged adults. Hip joint is similar to ball and socket joint. In this joint femur or the thigh bone has a ball like round structure on top which fits into socket like structure of hip bone and move smoothly within. Now if the top of the femur is not round which is called cam impingement or if there is excess growth on facing side of the hip socket it is known as Pincer deformity and causes unsmooth movement of hip joint
  • Loose Bodies – In some cases of arthritis surface of the cartilage can crack and become loose which move around in a joint. These loose bodies cause problem in a joint as they develop friction in a joint and damage the smooth areas of the joint. So with the help of a arthroscopic procedure these loose bodies can be identified and can be removed by making small incisions.
  • Snapping Hip Syndrome – Also called as dancer’s hip, in snapping hip syndrome a snapping sound or snapping feel is observed in case of body movement like walking, running etc. Tendon gets rub with the outer surface of the joint. Patient may also feel pain and uneasiness in hip joint. If cannot be treated otherwise surgical treatment is adopted to treat snapping hip syndrome. In surgical procedure which is done arthroscopically iliopsoas and iliotibial band is lengthened.
  • Labral Tear – The outer surface of the hip socket is covered by soft elastic tissue called labrum. Labrum has a ring shape around the rim of socket of the hip joint. It makes the joint stable and allows proper motion. A labral tear or injuries causes pain and discomfort and with the help of arthroscope it can be properly analyzed and repaired.
  • Synovitis – Inflamed synovial lining of hip joint causes pain and swelling so synovectomy is carried out to remove damaged part of synovium. This is done arthroscopically with minimal invasive technique.
Knee Arthroscopy in Delhi

Using computer navigation, knee arthroscopy procedure is carried to analyze and treat various knee related problems. A Small incision is made and then arthroscope is inserted to view the larger and detailed condition inside of knee joint. Damaged part is recognized and then treated by making few other small incisions. So the whole procedure is performed with small incisions as compare to conventional procedure and benefiting patient as he faces less pain, less blood loss, faster recovery and shorter hospital stay. Some of the common procedures which is done to knee related problem with knee arthroscopy are –

  • Torn Cartilage/Meniscus Surgery – Meniscus cartilage is tissue present between the bones to support and cushion them. Menisci can be torn while playing or if knee bent/twist. It can also result from trauma or because of ageing. Torn meniscus cause pain around the knee, knee swelling and difficulty in knee movement.
  • ACL /PCL Reconstruction – Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) are two very important ligaments of the knee, which are responsible for the stability of the knee joint. Generally a torn ACL/PCL cannot be repaired successfully so it is replaced with a new tissue graft. The procedure is done arthroscopically by making small incisions.
  • Patella Disorders – Patella or kneecap disorders like mal-tracking and surface cartilage tear. It may cause pain and swelling in knee. These problems can be treated with arthroscopic procedures.
  • Inflamed Synovium – Inflamed synovial lining of knee joint causes swelling and pain so synovectomy is carried out to remove damaged part of synovium. The arthroscope can be used for synovectomy.
  • Plica Excision – Plica excision surgery is carried out to treat plica syndrome. In Plica syndrome plica becomes inflamed and causes irritation and pain. With the help of arthroscopic procedure plica syndrome is treated.
  • Micro-fracture – In the event of damaged knee cartilage, arthroscopic microfracture surgery can be performed to repair damaged cartilage. Cartilage is the connecting tissue that supports and cushions the bones of a joint. In this procedure small fracture or holes are made very carefully in the underlying bones of damaged cartilage. This precisely made fracture on the bone allows new cartilage growth and thus repairs the damaged cartilage.

Dr L. Tomar has the expertise of doing Arthroscopy in Delhi in basic to complicated cases using most advanced computer navigation system and has performed successfully thousands of Arthroscopic surgeries. He is associated with various national and international Orthopaedic Associations and got various awards for his achievements and dedication in the field of orthopaedic surgery.